Trinitas Group

Council forced to undertake remediation of a newly purchased lot after asbestos confirmed

Shoalhaven City Council has had to undertake remediation work at a recently purchased block of land after it was asbestos was confirmed at the site.

The site, considered to be prime real estate opposite the council’s own administration centre, and the town’s Entertainment Centre, was purchased for more than $1 million in 2019.

The activity at the site piqued the interest of locals, but the council confirmed that the work was remediation work due to the presence of asbestos at the site. It appears as though there was no notification of the presence of asbestos prior to the purchase of the site.

“Since council acquired the land asbestos was found on the property,” the spokesperson said.

“To minimise the risk to public safety, the contractor is removing the top layer of soil and importing material to be placed on the property.

“These works will be validated on completion.”