Trinitas Group

On-the-spot fines for asbestos offences introduced in NSW

Amendments to the NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation mean that the safety regulator, SafeWork NSW, will now be able to issue on-the-spot fines for asbestos offences.

Head of SafeWork NSW, Natasha Mann, said the amendments would allow SafeWork inspectors to issue penalty notices on the spot to attempt to approve adherence to asbestos safety regulations in the state.

“We’re also strengthening penalties to provide greater deterrents to existing offences relating to asbestos removal work in response to re-offenders within the asbestos and demolition industry.

“The new on-the-spot penalties will provide SafeWork NSW inspectors an additional compliance tool to take immediate action when they observe workers and businesses engaging in highly unsafe activities onsite.

“We will continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to workers’ lives being placed at risk,” Ms Mann said.

The proposed penalty notice offences are existing offences under NSW WHS regulations, meaning that businesses should already be compliant and can be prosecuted for non-compliance.

The new penalty notices align with a planned compliance campaign and align with National Asbestos Awareness Week, which runs from 21 to 27 November.