Trinitas Group

Uptick in mould removal requests as eastern Australia faces third La Nina in a row

Data from Australian tradesperson marketplace hipages has shown that the rates of people seeking mould removal services has increased exponentially as the east coast prepares for its third La Nina summer in a row.

Of all the requests for mould removal tradespeople, 71 per cent are marked as urgent or ASAP, which is a more than 20 per cent increase on figures from the same time last year.

With another wetter-than-average summer, the trend looks set to continue, with the Bureau of Meteorology explaining that there is an increased risk of more tropical cyclones, higher humidity in southern areas and widespread flooding over the next six months.

Health authorities are warning residents in affected areas that properties should be swiftly dried out, and ventilation ensured following any inundation or dampness in the home, and porous items that can’t be easily cleaned should be thrown out if they have been wet for more than two days.

While many turn to trade websites for assistance in tackling a mould outbreak, it is highly recommended that homeowners use qualified professionals when outsourcing the task to avoid the mould returning.

In the instance that homeowners attempt to remove mould themselves, it should be no larger than a dinner plate, and if it is, it should be dealt with by a professional. For DIY tasks, it is highly recommended that good quality rubber gloves, safety goggles, and a well-fitted respirator be used to protect against mould spores during cleaning.

As always, the best way to avoid mould is to prevent it from occurring altogether by ensuring adequate ventilation throughout the home, especially in damp areas like the bathroom, laundry and kitchen. On warm and dry days, especially if the weather is sunny, open windows and doors to allow airflow.

Regular cleaning of the home, especially damp areas, and limiting water accumulation in bathrooms, laundries and kitchens will also prevent humidity in the home from occurring.