Trinitas Group

Real estate agency tells tenants to open windows to prevent mould as city shivers through unusually cold start to winter

A Sydney real estate agency is under fire for telling tenants to open windows and air out their properties to prevent mould outbreaks as the city shivers through its coldest start to winter in more than 30 years.

Agency CobdenHayson emailed renters this week with tips to “help them prepare for the winter season,” in which it explains that Sydney homes were “designed to have windows open on a regular basis”, noting that airflow prevents mould from growing.

The email from the Marrickville office, also noted that managing mould was their responsibility.

“As winter approaches, residents are often reluctant to open windows however, this is critical to ensure adequate ventilation,” the email explained.

“Where possible leave a window slightly open during the day.

“Mould is not always a sign of a leak or problem, it is largely attributed to a lack of ventilation and can manifest of its own accord in humid environments, then spread quickly if left untreated. Cleaning this early will not only improve your health but will assist with ongoing mould management.”

The office says the directive for emailing tenants came from their head office.

The agency has defended the move, saying that it makes “reference to general recommendations, if the tenant chooses to take those general recommendations it is entirely at their discretion.”

According to the NSW Tenants Union, both tenants and landlords have certain responsibilities when it comes to managing mould in homes. Tenants are required to keep premises “reasonably” clean, and let management or the landlord know if there is any mould damage while also taking reasonable steps to prevent damage.

Landlords are responsible for providing homes that comply with “fit for habitation” standards, including ensuring homes have proper ventilation, well-maintained plumbing and drainage to prevent water from entering the home and addressing structural issues.