Trinitas Group

Advice from SafeWork NSW on cleaning up in flood affected areas, for asbestos and mould

The New South Wales safety regulator has released a comprehensive guide to managing worker and employer safety during and after a natural disaster. With many parts of the state still affected by flooding, SafeWork has detailed the ideal safety precautions people should take around natural disasters.

Primarily, the most important step is ensuring workplace safety by limiting exposure to natural disasters wherever possible. A PCBY must reduce the risk of injury, death and illness to themselves, workers and others involved in any cleanup processes. SafeWork has also noted that it is critical that anyone in flood-affected areas keep up to date with any warnings and advice via radio and stay away from electrical material, including fallen powerlines, switchboards, streetlights or any conductive material that may have been affected. 

For many in flood-affected areas, asbestos-containing materials are likely to be present, given their widespread use in homes before the mid-1980s. When asbestos fibres are damaged, small fibres can be released into the air and are harmful if inhaled. SafeWork recommends using a licensed asbestos removalist for any amount of asbestos, or suspected asbestos. 

Mould is another common issue in flood-affected areas, particularly now that floodwaters have receded and temperatures have remained warm. Significant mould growth is common in buildings that have been flooded or otherwise exposed to high levels of humidity during flooding. NSW Health has provided detailed information for cleanup processes, but a professional mould remediation service is highly recommended where possible to ensure the complete eradication of mould spores and to stop it from returning. 

Further information, including processes for biological hazards, chemical hazards, electrical safety and working at heights, specifically for those in flood-affected areas, is also available via SafeWork NSW.