Trinitas Group

Blue Mountains City Council begins EU with asbestos safety campaign

As the Blue Mountains City Council enters into an Enforceable Undertaking with SafeWork NSW, the council has launched a new education program, focusing on community members protecting themselves against the risks of asbestos exposure during home renovations. 

The campaign, titled Hazardous waste… together we’ve got it sorted runs to June 2021, and collateral material has been provided to local home renovators and renovation businesses.

The key message is for homeowners who are beginning renovations, repairs or undertaking redecorating projects, is that if the home was built before 1990, it’s critical to understand the risk that asbestos in the home can pose. 

Common areas where asbestos is found include ceilings and internal walls (insulation), roofing, fencing, eaves, water pipes, fireplaces and in areas where waterproofing has previously been undertaken – for example, laundries, kitchens and bathrooms.

The council has directed those undertaking home improvement works to the Asbestos Checker. Alternatively, homeowners can procure the services of a licensed asbestos assessor to inspect the property. 

Blue Mountains Mayor Mark Greenhill said: “We encourage you to identify where asbestos could exist before you start any work on your home – use a licenced asbestos assessor to protect your family’s health.”

The council has urged home owners never to use high-pressure water or compressed air to clean areas of the home like roofs, which can contain asbestos materials. 

In March, when SafeWork NSW ended their investigation into Blue Mountains City Council over asbestos handling, CEO Dr Rosemary Dillon said she welcomed the finalisation of the SafeWork investigation.

“Entering into the EU will generate prescribed and measurable work health and safety outcomes for the organisation and for our community,” she said.

“It will provide a legal framework within which council can implement its continuous safety improvement program to improve safety within the council’s workplaces and within the Blue Mountains community, with benefits for local government organisations across NSW.

“I also want to say to our workforce that nothing matters more than your safety. I want this council to be recognised as a leader in the field of workplace safety. We want you to work safely and return home safely.”