Trinitas Group

WorkSafe inspectors isolated over outbreak at meat processing facility

The outbreak of COVID-19 at a Melbourne meat processing facility has now reached 70 confirmed cases linked to the site.

As we reported earlier in the week, the outbreak was uncovered when a worker attended hospital after severing his thumb at the worksite and required emergency surgery.

It has now been revealed that following the initial incident, SafeWork inspectors attended the site, and six workplace inspectors are now in isolation as they await test results.

“A WorkSafe team member is being tested for coronavirus after responding to a workplace incident at Cedar Meats last month,” the spokesperson told

“The WorkSafe employee has not reported any symptoms, however, has been tested as a precaution and is now self-isolating while awaiting the results.”

WorkSafe Victoria has said that testing conducted was a precautionary measure after the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services contacted the inspectors.